All re:MIND Community (in person) groups are cancelled on Tuesday 1/21 and Wednesday 1/22. Please see Group Announcements before heading to group. Stay warm and safe!

Sign up to run the Chevron Houston Marathon with re:MIND as your charity. 

Rex-s_Story_of_Hope.pngI became involved with DBSA about 3 years ago and boy has my understanding of Bipolar changed, and changed for the better. I have come to realize that everyone is dealing with some issue in their life. Unfortunately, for some people they can't control the extremes that their moods and behaviors cycle through... That is where proper medication can help.

I never thought I would ever sit in a room and discuss suicide with someone but that is exactly what we should do. Don't sweep unpleasent issues under the rug, sit up and talk about them even if you are not exactly sure what to say. Inaction never helped anyone, but talking openly with people that are struggling can help tremendously.

Remember, NORMAL is only a setting on your dryer!

January, 2011


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